Migrate to Kubeflow Pipelines v2

Migrate to the new Kubeflow Pipelines v2 backend and SDK.


Kubeflow Pipelines V2 is a significant update to the Kubeflow Pipelines (KFP) platform.

The key features introduced by KFP V2 are:

  • A more pythonic SDK - use decorators like (@dsl.pipeline, @dsl.component, @dsl.container_component)
  • Decouple from Argo Workflows - compile pipelines to a generic IR YAML rather than Argo Workflow YAML
  • Enhanced Workflow GUI - visualize pipelines, sub-DAGs (nested pipelines), loops, and artifacts (datasets, models, and metrics) to understand and debug your pipelines

Version Matrix

The first version of Kubeflow Platform to include the Kubeflow Pipelines V2 backend was Kubeflow 1.8.

The following table shows which versions of KFP backend are included in each version of Kubeflow Platform:

Release DateKubeflow Platform VersionKFP Backend VersionSDK Mode: v1SDK Mode: v2SDK Mode: v2-compatible

Backward Compatibility

If you have existing KFP Pipelines that you compiled with the V1 SDK, you can run them on the new KFP V2 backend without any changes. If you wish to author new pipelines, there are some recommended and required steps to migrate which are detailed below.


SDK v1The 1.x.x versions of the kfp Python SDK.
SDK v2The 2.x.x versions of the kfp Python SDK.
SDK v1 (v2-namespace)The preview V2 module that was available in the V1 SDK (e.g. from kfp.v2 import *).
Only ever used by Google Cloud Vertex AI Pipelines users.

Migration Paths

How you migrate to KFP V2 will depend on your current SDK version and usage.

There are two common migration paths:

  1. SDK v1SDK v2
  2. SDK v1 (v2-namespace) → SDK v2

Migrate from ‘SDK v1’ to ‘SDK v2’

KFP SDK v2 is generally not backward compatible with user code that uses the KFP SDK v1 main namespace. This section describes some of the important breaking changes and migration steps to upgrade to KFP SDK v2.

We indicate whether each breaking change affects KFP OSS backend users or Google Cloud Vertex AI Pipelines users.

Breaking changes

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create_component_from_func and func_to_container_op support

Affects: KFP OSS users and Vertex AI Pipelines users

create_component_from_func and func_to_container_op are both used in KFP SDK v1 to create lightweight Python function-based components.

Both functions are removed in KFP SDK v2.

Change: Use the @dsl.component decorator, as described in Lightweight Python Components and Containerized Python Components.

Previous usageNew usage
from kfp.components import create_component_from_func
from kfp.components import func_to_container_op

def component1(...):

def component2(...):

component2 = create_component_from_func(component2)

def component3(...):

def pipeline():
from kfp import dsl

def component1(...):

def component2(...):

def component3(...):

def pipeline():

Keyword arguments required

Affects: KFP OSS users and Vertex AI Pipelines users

Keyword arguments are required when instantiating components as tasks within a pipeline definition.

Change: Use keyword arguments.

Previous usageNew usage
def my_pipeline():
    trainer_component(100, 0.1)
def my_pipeline():
    trainer_component(epochs=100, learning_rate=0.1)

ContainerOp support

Affects: KFP OSS users

ContainerOp has been deprecated since mid-2020. ContainerOp instances do not carry a description of inputs and outputs and therefore cannot be compiled to IR YAML.

ContainerOp is removed from v2.

Change: Use the @dsl.container_component decorator as described in Container Components.

Previous usageNew usage
from kfp import dsl

# v1 ContainerOp will not be supported.
component_op = dsl.ContainerOp(...)

# v1 ContainerOp from class will not be supported.
class FlipCoinOp(dsl.ContainerOp):
from kfp import dsl

def flip_coin(rand: int, result: dsl.OutputPath(str)):
  return ContainerSpec(
    arguments=['--seed', rand, '--result-file', result])

VolumeOp and ResourceOp support

Affects: KFP OSS users

VolumeOp and ResourceOp expose direct access to Kubernetes resources within a pipeline definition. There is no support for these features on a non-Kubernetes platforms.

KFP v2 enables support for platform-specific features via KFP SDK extension libraries. Kubernetes-specific features are supported in KFP v2 via the kfp-kubernetes extension library.

v1 component YAML support

Affects: KFP OSS users and Vertex AI Pipelines users

KFP v1 supported authoring components directly in YAML via the v1 component YAML format (example). This authoring style enabled component authors to set their component’s image, command, and args directly.

In KFP v2, both components and pipelines are compiled to the same IR YAML format, which is different than the v1 component YAML format.

KFP v2 will continue to support loading existing v1 component YAML using the components.load_component_from_file function and similar functions for backward compatibility.

Change: To author components via custom image, command, and args, use the @dsl.container_component decorator as described in Container Components. Note that unlike when authoring v1 component YAML, Container Components do not support setting environment variables on the component itself. Environment variables should be set on the task instantiated from the component within a pipeline definition using the .set_env_variable task configuration method.

v1 lightweight component types InputTextFile, InputBinaryFile, OutputTextFile and OutputBinaryFile support

Affects: KFP OSS users and Vertex AI Pipelines users

These types ensure files are written either in text mode or binary mode in components authored using the KFP SDK v1.

KFP SDK v2 does not support authoring with these types since users can easily do this themselves.

Change: Component authors should inputs and outputs using KFP’s artifact and parameter types.

AIPlatformClient support

Affects: Vertex AI Pipelines users

KFP SDK v1 included an AIPlatformClient for submitting pipelines to Vertex AI Pipelines.

KFP SDK v2 does not include this client.

Change: Use the official Python Vertex SDK’s PipelineJob class.

Previous usageNew usage
from kfp.v2.google.client import AIPlatformClient

api_client = AIPlatformClient(

response = api_client.create_run_from_job_spec(
    job_spec_path=PACKAGE_PATH, pipeline_root=PIPELINE_ROOT,
# pip install google-cloud-aiplatform
from google.cloud import aiplatform


job = aiplatform.PipelineJob(


run_as_aiplatform_custom_job support

Affects: Vertex AI Pipelines users

KFP v1’s run_as_aiplatform_custom_job was an experimental feature that allowed converting any component into a Vertex AI CustomJob.

KFP v2 does not include this feature.

Change: Use Google Cloud Pipeline Component’s create_custom_training_job_from_component function.

Previous usageNew usage
from kfp import components
from kfp.v2 import dsl
from kfp.v2.google.experimental import run_as_aiplatform_custom_job

training_op = components.load_component_from_url(...)

def pipeline():
  training_task = training_op(...)
      training_task, ...)
# pip install google-cloud-pipeline-components
from kfp import components
from kfp import dsl
from google_cloud_pipeline_components.v1.custom_job import utils

training_op = components.load_component_from_url(...)

def pipeline():
    utils.create_custom_training_job_from_component(training_op, ...)

Typecasting behavior change

Affects: KFP OSS users and Vertex AI Pipelines users

KFP SDK v1 had more lenient pipeline typechecking than does KFP SDK v2. Some pipelines that utilized this leniency may not be compilable using KFP SDK v2. For example, parameters typed with float would accept the string "0.1":

from kfp.v2 import compiler
from kfp.v2 import dsl
from kfp import components

def train(
    number_of_epochs: int,
    learning_rate: float,

def training_pipeline(number_of_epochs: int = 1):
        learning_rate="0.1",  # string cannot be passed to float parameter using KFP SDK v2

Change: We recommend updating your components and pipelines to use types strictly.

Migrate from ‘SDK v1 (v2-namespace)’ to ‘SDK v2’

With few exceptions, KFP SDK v2 is backward compatible with user code that uses the KFP SDK v1 v2-namespace.

Non-breaking changes

This section documents non-breaking changes in SDK v2 relative to the SDK v1 v2-namespace. We suggest you migrate your code to the “New usage”, even though the “Previous usage” will still work with warnings.

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Import namespace

KFP SDK v1 v2-namespace imports (from kfp.v2 import *) should be converted to imports from the primary namespace (from kfp import *).

Change: Remove the .v2 module from any KFP SDK v1 v2-namespace imports.

Previous usageNew usage
from kfp.v2 import dsl
from kfp.v2 import compiler

def pipeline():

from kfp import dsl
from kfp import compiler

def pipeline():


output_component_file parameter

In KFP SDK v2, components can be compiled to and loaded from IR YAML in the same way as pipelines.

KFP SDK v1 v2-namespace supported compiling components via the @dsl.component decorator’s output_component_file parameter. This is deprecated in KFP SDK v2. If you choose to still use this parameter, your pipeline will be compiled to IR YAML instead of v1 component YAML.

Change: Remove uses of output_component_file. Replace with a call to Compiler().compile().

Previous usageNew usage
from kfp.v2.dsl import component

def my_component(input: str):
from kfp.dsl import component
from kfp import compiler

def my_component(input: str):

compiler.Compiler().compile(my_component, 'my_component.yaml')

Pipeline package file extension

The KFP compiler will compile your pipeline according to the extension provided to the compiler (.yaml or .json).

In KFP SDK v2, YAML is the preferred serialization format.

Change: Convert package_path arguments that use a .json extension to use a .yaml extension.

Previous usageNew usage
from kfp.v2 import compiler
# .json extension, deprecated format
compiler.Compiler().compile(pipeline, package_path='my_pipeline.json')
from kfp import compiler
# .yaml extension, preferred format
compiler.Compiler().compile(pipeline, package_path='my_pipeline.yaml')

Breaking changes

There are only a few subtle breaking changes in SDK v2 relative to the SDK v1 v2-namespace.

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Drop support for Python 3.6

KFP SDK v1 supported Python 3.6. KFP SDK v2 supports Python >=3.7.0,<3.12.0.

CLI output change

The v2 KFP CLI is more consistent, readable, and parsable. Code that parsed the v1 CLI output may fail to parse the v2 CLI output.

.after referencing upstream task in a dsl.ParallelFor loop

The following pipeline cannot be compiled in KFP SDK v2:

with dsl.ParallelFor(...):
    t1 = comp()
t2 = comp().after(t1)

This usage was primarily used by KFP SDK v1 users who implemented a custom dsl.ParallelFor fan-in. KFP SDK v2 natively supports fan-in from dsl.ParallelFor using dsl.Collected. See Control Flow user docs for instructions.

Importer component import statement

The location of the importer_node object has changed.

Change: Import from kfp.dsl.

Previous usageNew usage
from kfp.components import importer_node
from kfp.dsl import importer_node

Adding node selector constraint/accelerator

The task method .add_node_selector_constraint is deprecated in favor of .add_node_selector_constraint. Compared to the previous implementation of .add_node_selector_constraint, both methods have the label_name parameter removed and the value parameter is replaced by the parameter accelerator.

Change: Use task.set_accelerator_type(accelerator=...). Provide the previous value argument to the accelerator parameter. Omit the label_name.

Previous usageNew usage
def my_pipeline():
def my_pipeline():

Did we miss something?

If you believe we missed a breaking change or an important migration step, please create an issue describing the change in the kubeflow/pipelines repository.


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